
流量大师 John Reese – http://www.marketingsecrets.com/
约翰里斯,John Reese 是网络营销界,第一个创造单日百万美元销售额的记录保持者。

名单经营大师 Frank Kern http://frankkern.com/
深谙“群体控制”之术,类似于宗教传道一样的精神控制、催眠技术,被广泛应用于政府传播、商品推广、宗教宣传之中。Frank 运用它在24 时内销售了2380 万美元!

产品销售大师Jeff Walker http://jeffwalker.com/

网络营销鬼才 Eben Pagan http://promotedprofits.com

病毒营销大师 Mike Filsaime http://mikefilsaime.com/

营销天才 Jay Abraham http://abraham.com/
美国加州洛杉矶的亚伯拉罕集团的创始人和CEO, 具有传奇色彩的营销大师,被誉为世界上最伟大的市场行销智囊,个人咨询收入超过1亿美金。


Rand Fishkin

Founder of Moz, a marketing analytics Saas company, Rand dubs himself with the title Wizard of Moz. Many others would say that he is THE authority on SEO right behind Matt Cutt’s from Google himself. Either way, he is an interesting guy that certainly knows content marketing and search engines and he and his team share awesome insights over here. Also, follow Rand on Twitter.

Neil Patel

Forbes recognizes Neil as one of the top 10 marketers online. His achievements go on, quite a bit actually, but what really matters to internet marketers is that he has founded multiple marketing analytics companies, and has consulted with fortune 500 brands on their internet marketing strategies. This guy knows what he’s talking about when it comes to marketing your brand online, so if you want to learn something then you should read the QuickSprout blog by Neil. I like Neil’s style because he will share templates and advice that you can immediately turn into action. He also writes or “speaks” to the point and will be honest about risks, if there are any, with certain strategies that he shares. Follow Neil on Twitter.

Will Critchlow

Co-founder and CEO of Distilled, part SEO consulting agency and part SEO learning platform teaching proper SEO practices, Will is an authority on SEO. He consults big brands on their SEO and regularly speaks at search marketing conferences, he even hosts the SearchLove conference series in the US and UK. I recommend checking out the free resources Distilled offers but I also recommend signing up for the platform if you are serious about learning SEO. FollowWill on Twitter.

Brian Dean

Brian is founder of Backlinko and is known for his skills building backlinks in an effective scalable “white hat SEO” form that Google rewards. shares very helpful and actionable blueprints often times including PDF downloads in his blog posts for other webmasters and marketers to try his link building tactics on their websites. Follow Brian on Twitter.

Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is best known for his blog Smart Passive Income. He calls himself the crash test dummy of online business and he shares his experiences in detail through blog posts and a podcast. I’ve found Pat’s internet marketing advice to be helpful and I also enjoy reading and listening to him for motivation. His story is inspiring to anyone interested in running an online business but isn’t sure where to start. Follow Pat on Twitter.

Jason DeMers

Founder of audience bloom, Jason focuses specifically on small businesses or as he puts it he “demystifies SEO for businesses”. His company’s blog shares good advice for the small guys who have fewer resources, who are looking for actionable advice they can implement themselves.

Brian Clark

Founder of Copyblogger, Brian is actually known as a writer and not specifically as an internet marketer per se. That said anyone in the IM space will tell you that you will need some serious writing skills to compete. Brian shares these skills and many more with his audience at Copyblogger where you can learn many content marketing strategies and read good advice about doing various types of business online – check it out sometime. And don’t forget to follow Brian on Twitter.


Danny Sullivan

Danny was an SEO before SEO was a thing; he has been covering search engines and search marketing issues since 1996. He is best known as founding editor at Search Engine Land and for the SMX Search Marketing Expo conference series where he and others share a ton of great authoritative SEO info. Follow Danny on Twitter.

Michael Stelzner

Founder of the largest online social media magazine called Social Media Examiner, Michael is arguably THE biggest name in Social and someone you should be following for great content and advice on everything social media. FollowMichael on Twitter.