













1.Contents 1. Add A Subscription Link & Button To Your Video ………….. 6
16 Steps to add a subscription link to your video……………………. 8
2. Add a watermark………………………………………………………….. 10
3. Add music to your videos ……………………………………………… 16
Free Royalty Free Music……………………………………………………. 18
4. Add Subtitles……………………………………………………………….. 20
Why Should I Caption My Videos?…………………………………….. 21
5. Adding Interactive Cards To Your Video ……………………….. 23
Steps to add cards in Youtube Video…………………………………… 24
Types of cards ………………………………………………………………….. 26
6. Be Passionate ………………………………………………………………. 28
7. be personal ………………………………………………………………….. 31
3 tips to be personal with your viewers ……………………………….. 32
8. Broadcast Your Best Self………………………………………………. 36
Choose the feature reel on your channel carefully ………………… 37
Turn on live streaming ………………………………………………………. 38
9. channel trailer ……………………………………………………………… 40
Mаkе Sсrірtѕ Swееt and Shоrt……………………………………………. 40
Uѕе Intеrасtіvіtу……………………………………………………………….. 41
Uрdаtе Yоur Trаіlеrѕ ………………………………………………………… 42
10. Come Up With A Clever Easy To Remember Name …….. 44
11. Create an Eye-Catching Banner ………………………………….. 50
How to create an eye catching banner? ……………………………….. 51
The Background…………………………………………………………… 51
The Clip Arts(overlays) ………………………………………………… 52
The Text ……………………………………………………………………… 52
Stand out from the crowd ……………………………………………… 52
12. Create an Eye-Catching Thumbnail …………………………….. 54
4 Quick Design Tips …………………………………………………………. 55
13. Define your “Success” as a Creator……………………………… 57
14. Don’t Bury Your Website Link…………………………………… 61
15. Encourage Comments………………………………………………… 65
16. Focus on the Title ……………………………………………………… 68
Conduct Keyword Research ………………………………………………. 69
Add the Word like: “Video”, “How To”, “Tutorial”……………… 70
Be Descriptive………………………………………………………………….. 70
Consider Title Character Counts…………………………………………. 71
17. Get Social with Connected Sharing Options…………………. 73
18. HD CONTENT IS MUST ………………………………………….. 77
19. Invest in Ideas and Concepts, Not Equipment ………………. 80
5 techniques to increase the popularity of youtube channel……. 81
1. Get Every Little Things Right………………………………… 81
2. Chose The Right Topics………………………………………… 82
3. Invest in good Ideas before equipment ……………………. 82
4. Consistency in Quality ………………………………………….. 83
5. Work with other Channels …………………………………….. 83
20. Know Who Your Viewers on YouTube Are…………………. 85
21. Learn From The Competition ……………………………………… 88
Making the channel more interesting…………………………………… 89
22. Learn To Love The Sound of Your Own Voice…………….. 92
23. Learn to Use The Delete Button ………………………………….. 95
24. Let your customers do the talking ……………………………….. 98
25. Lighting………………………………………………………………….. 103
26. Maintain a Positive Attitude ……………………………………… 107
Tips to be more positive in life …………………………………………. 107
27. Make the start as compelling as possible ……………………. 110
Tips to hook your audiance………………………………………………. 111
28. Make Uѕе оf Your Vіdео’ѕ Dеѕсrірtіоn …………………….. 114
29. Mаkе a Sсhеdule and stick……………………………………….. 117
30. Nail The Introduction ………………………………………………. 119
31. Network with Other YouTubers ………………………………… 122
32. Optimize your channel name and description ……………… 125
33. Optimize Your Videos Metadata……………………………….. 128
34. Pick the right camera ……………………………………………….. 131
35. Promote Everywhere ……………………………………………….. 137
36. Push Social Media …………………………………………………… 142
Hоw tо Prоmоtе Yоur Videos…………………………………………… 143
37. Shoot for the Smaller Screen …………………………………….. 146
38. Sound quality matters ………………………………………………. 149
39. Tag Your Video ………………………………………………………. 154
40. The YouTube Life Isn’t Easy……………………………………. 157
41. Update your trailer …………………………………………………… 160
42. Use Annotations Sparingly ……………………………………….. 164
The Advantage ……………………………………………………………….. 165
43. Use current and trending topics …………………………………. 167
44. Use the Free Insights ……………………………………………….. 172
Views…………………………………………………………………………….. 173
Demographics ………………………………………………………………… 174
Discovery ………………………………………………………………………. 174
Engagement……………………………………………………………………. 175
Subscribers …………………………………………………………………….. 175
45. Uѕе Dеѕсrірtіvе Plауlіѕtѕ………………………………………….. 177
46. Video Editing Tips……………………………………………………… 180
47. Viewer Contributed Subtitles And Closed Captions…….. 184
48. Wrіtе a Grеаt description ………………………………………….. 188

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