GEO: IN (国家:印度)
Vertical: 1/2click adult PINs
Runtime: 11/15-06/16
Main Affiliate Networks:

Sources: 流量源

最初从popup traffic开始测试,试了3、4次后决定投入更多的时间和资金到这个campaign。

第一次测试:花了100$,收入 30$。看到转化不行,就转去其他国家了,但后来过了两三天,发现IN转化有延迟,于是继续测试

决定还是测这个campaign,但是用banner traffic。(我个人的经历也是一样,刚开始跑pop 有转换但是不理想,转为banner开始看到希望,并开始盈利,cpm是优选,特别是有smart cpm更好,测试一个campaign的时候,忘了选smart cpm,结果cpc高的吓自己一跳
马上ROI 到了0,看到了希望,加大测试投入。

1 click pins basically only works on one mobile Carrier, but in this country it was strange that they have different CR on different Devices and Browsers!

I think that everyone knows that in India, a lot of the traffic generated UC browser and Opera. This very cheap traffic brought my campaign on a positive ROI.
I took dozens of offers with different networks and sat analyze statistics by criteria Carrier->Browser->Offer.

It was very difficult to find offers worked on UC or Opera browsers, but after I found a couple of good orrers, my campaign began generate a good revenue.

Here’s an example of my Flow settings.

I chose offers for every Carrier->Browser.

Also i tried to divide the traffic in the proportions 80/20% that would be a backup plan if main offer stop working.


As I said above, I worked only with adult traffic but explicit adult materials worked a lot worse than simple local Erotic.
Download/Play banners give more CTR, but does not gave good conversions.

Landings: (动态landing page)

I used the technique of dynamic Landings. When the banner image continues on my Landing.
This gave a very good result.


My final ROI about 30-40%. It’s not too much, but in large volumes its not bad.

I am sure that it is working today. I stopped working in this direction because I’m tired of constantly look for work offers and I found more profitable verticals. I do not write how much money I made, because I do not like to write about it. But those who work in this area will be able to count himself if he so interesting )

Important Notes:

– In this country conversion come with a huge delay and it is very important to choose the «right» affiliate network. Which stored logs for a long time and counted conversion even if they come after 1-2 weeks (这个国家的转化有很长时间延迟,因此要选择一个可靠的 aff network)
– To get a lot of quality traffic, you need to take a top position in the source. (要得到高质量的流量,需要出价高,可以考虑最高的位置)
– Do not be afraid to put a price 2-3 times higher than network or manager said. (不要害怕出价2-3倍 网络建议的价格)
– Try to monetize cheap traffic that others do not know how to monetize. (尝试利用别人不知道如何盈利的便宜的流量来赚钱)