网络上的“营销大师”有很多,真真假假,鱼龙混杂,其实很多就是胆子够大的骗子,特别是国内,学了国外的一点皮毛,就神吹胡编,很多人交了高额的学费之后才得到就是一堆假大空的垃圾。他们的确是赚了,但说到底跟骗也没太大区别,证伪比证实更难! 关键的一点是他们没有提供真正的价值,金玉其外败絮其中,具体就不展开说了,反正存在即是合理,也不关我事。


我觉得杰夫.沃克 (Jeff Walker) 算得上其中一位。你知道,我在新手指南里面,第一个提到的就是他。尽管他自己并不愿意被人成为网络营销大师,但网络上这样评价他的颇多,他在信息产品发售这一块的确是权威和专家。

三大高手聚会:Jeff Walker,Eben Pagan,Frank Kern (群体控制的作者,《Frank_Kern群体控制术2.0》24小时卖了2380万美金)



杰夫·沃克大学毕业后在一家大公司就职,上了几年班之后厌倦公司上班生活便辞职回家当了好多年的全职奶爸,他的改变从他收到一份邮购信息开始,他当时看了《把你的电脑变成印钞机》这个启蒙网络营销教程后,于是开始了做网站卖炒股资讯的生意,他的邮件发出去之后,接下来一个小时内,销售额8000美元,一天突破18000美元,一周给他盈利34000美元,相当于当年一年上班的收入,要知道那是在1996年。后来他把产品发售的经验和知识打造成了《RODUCT LAUNCH FORMULA》(产品发售公式)这个课程,2008年创下了1小时在内赚100万美元的成绩,几乎每隔一两年就推出新的版本,他也不是一直都公开销售,而是一年就那么几天时间打开销售窗口,然后不断的刷新销售额,后来的发售销售额在千万美元以上,变成一个业内传奇。杰夫大叔靠这个产品在网络营销界火了二十多年,也真是没谁了。


如何打造自己的产品(更偏向于信息产品) ,如何建立和管理listing,销售信写法,消费心理分析,产品预热、发售,各个环节的公式/理论/技巧,以及大量的案例。

他的《RODUCT LAUNCH FORMULA》销售价:1997美金(合计人民币约13800)为什么这么多年还这么多人追捧呢?我自己也看过他的培训课程,无疑他的课程是具有干货和含金量的。他的学员非常多,很多人应用他的课程确实也取得了不错的成绩。我觉得jeff的课程总结起来有几个特点:

  • 具有系统性,从零到产品发售,涉及整个流程
  • 理论+案例。不仅仅是空中楼阁,更有实操案例分析
  • 内容具体深入,落地可执行
  • 压缩文件9G+,几百个视频文件和pdf说明、工具等











从本质上来说,客户名单(listing)就是业务的根基,名单上的潜在客户和现有买家就是企业最重要的资产。THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.












课程的核心当然是如何发售产品,JEFF WALKER讲到了如何造势,引起市场的注意。如何预售,如果启动发售,怎样发送电子邮件,以什么的时间隔间,销售信的写作技巧等,还有各种发售模式的解析, 种子发售,联营式发售,如何搭建事业平台。

相对于我们目前各种直接卖货的微商,jeff所倡导的富含客户心理和销售技巧的产品发售公式,显然段位要高好几个级别。在这个充满机会的时代,如果你想创业,如果你有很多看好的产品想售卖,学习一下产品发售公式模式是很有帮助的。我个人觉得,国内信息产品/知识付费市场还有很大的潜力,还有很多的利基市场可以开发,打造个人的品牌和产品,自己掌握客户数据库,比起affiliate marketing更长久,有前途,因为做affiliate你销售的是别人的产品,是不可掌控的,可能各种原因就不转换了,这个做付费流量mobile offer的童鞋应该有更深的体会。总体来说,各有利弊吧,如何选择看自己的兴趣和能力还有资源。




Jeff 写过一本书《浪潮式发售》(中文翻译名),国内的樊登读书推荐过,下面的思维导图可能让你对他的这套方法有一定的帮助:


好了,说了这么多, JEFF WALKER – PRODUCT LAUNCH FORMULA 2019 的课程在哪里下载?

老规矩,本站的VIP可以登录直接下载。免费公开分享有价值的东西,是吃力不讨好的事情,真正有需要的肯定不会在乎这一点门槛, VIP区里面,单独一个教程和工具的价值都都超过VIP的费用了,相信你会自己感受和判断。


加入VIP会员 浏览全文或下载




This is about some of the core elements that make Product Launch Formula so powerful. By the end of this module, you'll understand the 5 core types of launches (and when to use them), the Sideways Sales Letter, as well as how to use sequences, stories, positioning, and mental triggers to create a great launch.

1 Introduction [4 minutes]
2 Intro to Product Launch Formula [14 minutes]
3 Five Types of Launches [10 minutes]
4 Circle of Awesome [12 minutes]
5 Sequences [11 minutes]
6 Sideways Sales Letter [19 minutes]
7 Launch Conversation [10 minutes]
8 Mental Triggers [17 minutes]
9 The Power of Positioning [7 minutes]
10 The Power of Story [10 minutes]
11 Launch Story Themes [11 minutes]
12 Problem Solution Path [11 minutes]
13 The Alternate Path [4 minutes]


This module covers setting yourself up for success by creating a strong plan and a clear roadmap to follow for your first launch. By the end of this module, you'll know how to identify your niche, avatar, assets and goals, plus how to build and warm your list.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 Niche Selection [42 minutes]
3 Customer Avatar [25 minutes]
4 Building Your List [13 minutes]
5 Warming Your Cold List [5 minutes]
6 Asset Identification [20 minutes]
7 Your Goals [10 minutes]
8 Your Launch Goals [9 minutes]
9 Your Launch Success Path [20 minutes]


This is an important step that will help you lay the groundwork for your launch. Combined with the Prelaunch, this step is the bread and butter of Product Launch Formula. By the end of this module, you'll know how to identify what your market wants, craft and refine your offer, and build serious buzz leading into a launch.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 Pre-Prelaunch Strategy [6 minutes]
3 The Pre-Prelaunch Sequence [4 minutes]
4 Identify & Test Your Offer [15 minutes]
5 The Shot Across the Bow [24 minutes]
6 Refining Your Offer [9 minutes]
7 Characteristics of Buzz [11 minutes]
8 Pre-Prelaunch Case Studies [7+15+4 minutes]
9 Pre-Prelaunch Planner [no video]


Your Prelaunch Content ("PLC"), when done right, helps your potential buyers understand the Opportunity, the Transformation, and the Ownership Experience promised by your product. By the end of this module, you'll know how create each of these pieces of content, how to get people onto your launch list, and what to mail during your Prelaunch.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 The Prelaunch Sequence [5 minutes]
3 Prelaunch Content 1: The Opportunity [15 minutes]
4 Prelaunch Content 2: The Transformation [14 minutes]
5 Prelaunch Content 3: The Ownership Experience [14 minutes]
6 scripting Your Prelaunch Content [7 minutes]
7 Prelaunch Content Walkthroughs [2 hours 44 minutes]
-Nicholas Wilton: Here I walk you step-by-step through the PLC transcripts for Nicholas Wilton's Launch for his Art2Life course and break it all down for you into the critical components.
-Susan Garrett: This is a walkthrough of a super-successful launch by Susan Garrett for one of her dog agility products. She's in my Platinum Plus mastermind group, and she's had incredible success, but she came into Product Launch Formula as a COMPLETE newbie with no list and almost no technical skills.
-Will Hamilton: This is a walkthrough of an excellent launch by Will Hamilton that did over six figures in sales in a niche market – and these Prelaunch videos are a fantastic example of how to do it right. Please don't be intimidated by the quality of this launch – it was NOT Will's first launch. The thing to remember is that he was truly struggling when he first joined PLF.
8 Types of Prelaunch Content [8 minutes]
9 Creating Prelaunch Videos [36 minutes]
10 Creating Other Types of Prelaunch Content [8 minutes]
11 Building Your Launch List [13 minutes]
12 Mailing Your Launch List [20 minutes]
13 Launch Metrics [14 minutes]
14 Building your list during launch [19 minutes]


The Open Cart phase is when you finally start taking orders! By the end of this module, you'll know exactly what you need at every step of the way, from your Open Cart email sequence to how to script your sales video.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 The Open Cart Sequence [19 minutes]
3 Stoked On Selling [16 minutes]
4 Bonus Strategies [16 minutes]
5 Sales Strategies [19 minutes]
6 Creating Your Sales Video [34 minutes]
7 Sales Video Walkthroughs [128 minutes]
8 Sales Page Walkthroughs [10 minutes]
9 Open Cart Planner [no video]
10 Post-Launch Email Sequence [18 minutes]


This module goes more in-depth with Internal Launches and Seed Launches. These are the two primary types of launches that you will want to perfect before moving on. By the end of this module you'll know which type of launch to use when, and how to plan and execute them.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 Internal Launch Strategies [13 minutes]
3 Internal Launch Timeline [6 minutes]
4 Internal Launch Case Studies [64 minutes]
-Dylan and his partners built a successful business selling physical products on Amazon. They developed a system for wholesaling products, and started teaching their method to other sellers.
-Nicholas is a fine-art artist who has led offline workshops to teach people how to paint. Then he used PLF to bring his workshop online
-Julie practiced psychology in a traditional setting. She wondered if she could take her mental health training online. Her first launch brought in $17,000, and her second launch, three times that.
-Susan does million dollar launches in her dog training niche, without JV partners. You've seen her Internal Launch PLCs and Sales Video, now listen to her story – it's incredible.
5 Internal Launch Planner [no video]
6 Seed Launch Strategies [9 minutes]
7 Seed Launch Prelaunch Plan [7 minutes]
8 Creating a Crushing Offer [12 minutes]
9 Seed Launch Timeline [9 minutes]
10 Creating Your Seed Launch Product [14 minutes]
11 Interviewing Experts on Hyper Seed Launch [10 minutes]
12 Webinars and Summits [12 minutes]
13 Seed Launch Case Studies [126 minutes]
-Tara & David Marino, an AMAZING Case Study of a Seed Launch that only sold 6 units – but it quickly led to a business that did $500,000 (that's a half-million dollars) in sales!
-Kami McBride was an absolute tech newbie… but did a 5-figure Seed Launch for her course "Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils". Here you'll find an interview, case study walkthrough, and swipfile of Kami's Seed Launch.
-JJ Virgin, author of the NY Times Bestseller "The Sugar Impact Diet" shares how she developed and wrote her book using a Seed Launch and made six figures in the process – before the book was even written
-Erik Solbakken, after 26 years as an accountant he found a surprisingly hungry audience and did his first launch, bringing in $10,000 before even creating his product. In just 10 months after starting his online business, Erik made $220,000 in revenue.
14 Seed Launch Walkthrough [103 minutes]
15 Seed Launch Planner [no video]


This is where you attract, train, and work with partners who will promote your product for you. By the end of this module you'll be able to take what you learned about the Internal Launch and use it to create a Joint Venture Launch.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 Joint Venture Launch Strategy [10 minutes]
3 Finding Joint Venture Partners [12 minutes]
4 Getting Joint Venture Partners [17 minutes]
5 Preparing Your Partners for Launch [7 minutes]
6 Training and Supporting your Joint Venture Partners [14 minutes]
7 Joint Venture Email Sequence Walkthroughs [28 minutes]
8 Joint Venture Launch Case Studies [43 minutes]
9 Joint Venture Launch Planner [no video]


Now we take your entire Internal Launch sequence and put it on autopilot. By the end of this module you'll be able to take the concepts and strategies of the Internal Launch and adapt them to the Evergreen Launch.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 Evergreen Launch Strategy [13 minutes]
3 Types of Evergreen Launches [10 minutes]
4 Making Your Launch Evergreen [11 minutes]
5 Scarcity in Evergreen Launches [4 minutes]
6 Evergreen Launch Case Study [9 minutes]
7 Evergreen Launch Walkthrough [5 minutes]
8 Evergreen Launch Planner [no video]


This module is a roadmap for building your business with launches. By the end of this module you'll know how to build out multiple products and offers to your list with the different types of launches you've learned about in Product Launch Formula.

1 Introduction [2 minutes]
2 The Launch Life [19 minutes]
3 Business Launch Strategy [17 minutes]
4 Building a Team [18 minutes]
5 Mental Game and Self Care [13 minutes]
6 Conclusion [3 minutes]