整理文件的时候,发现这份教程,因为以前也有读者问起过,所以分享出来,觉得有用的自取。这是一个名为《Affiliate marketing完全指南》(A Complete Guide TO Affilliate Marketing)教程(已经翻译为中文版),虽然是几年前写的了,但Affiliate的基本模式也就是那样,还是 CPS, CPA 这些,Affiliate Marketing 运用的技术也变化不大,最大的变化应该是流量源和Offer变了。这个教程内容全面, 涵盖了联盟营销的方方面面,不但写了Affiliate marketing的好处,也揭露了这个行业的一些龌龊的无奈之处。如果你是新手,可以通过这个教程了解这个行业的运作流程和框架。
- 介绍
- Affiliate Marketing 战壕中的真实生活
- 信息:行业认识、从业人员及其重要性
- Offer 和垂直领域可选项全介绍
- 移动时代:巨大的赚钱机会
- 流量类型可选项全介绍
- 创意思维:把点击变成转化
- 形成科学的 Campaign 优化方法
- 一个 Campaign 发布模板
- 三个 Campaign 发布示例
- 超级 Affiliate 的原则
- 前进:超越 Affiliate Marketing
- 最后:感谢阅读 317
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What’s in the guide?
- 74,314 words, 419 pages, and a lot of swearing.
- The Reality of Life in the Affiliate Marketing Trenches
- A sweeping look at the affiliate industry; the different business models; the personality disorders affecting us all… and everything you’ll need to succeed.
- Intelligence: What You Know, Who You Know, and Why It Matters
- A map of the dynamic relationships that will affect your success (or failures) as an affiliate. How to build an intelligence network that massively increases your chances of launching profitable campaigns.
- A Complete Guide to Offer and Vertical Selection
- Every major vertical in affiliate marketing analysed and assessed for difficulty and potential reward. Insider tips for promoting each vertical.
- Going Mobile: The Biggest Moneymaking Opportunities Revealed
- Everything you need to know about the Mobile revolution and how to run successful campaigns on the mobile web. Offer types analysed, best practices revealed.
- Essential Types of Traffic: How to Make Them Work
- An assessment of the major traffic types (and their various traffic sources), rating each for scalability, difficulty, barrier of entry and more. Recommendations provided for each.
- The Creative Mindset: How to Turn Hits in to Conversions
- A massive sweeping assault on the moneymaking process behind successful landing pages, banners and creative funnels.
- How to Develop a Successful Campaign Optimization Philosophy
- How to go from losing money (or breaking even)… to making money and laughing like a maniac. A practical look at how I optimize my campaigns, including the order of testing priorities.
- A Template For Launching Successful Campaigns
- The checklist behind every successful campaign I launch. (In my opinion, the most useful content I’ve ever released.) I’m including it, in its entirety, from start to finish. Follow every step and your chances of making money will improve dramatically.
- 3 Campaign Launch Examples
- 100 pages of follow along examples where you can sit back and watch what happens as I launch three campaigns on three different traffic sources — examples include campaigns for display traffic, popunders and native ads.
- The Principles of ‘Super Affiliates’
- How do you take the next step and become a super F****** duper affiliate? I’ll show you the key principles and what you can do to make the jump.
- Moving Up: Thinking Big and Beyond Affiliate Marketing
- This is the long-term strategizing that many of us ignore. How can you leverage affiliate marketing to build a successful career for the next 30 years?
- Finch’s Extensive List of Affiliate Marketing Resources
- It was already a monster list. It’s now updated with even more tools and resources for 2016. A genuinely fat burden on your hard drive.
Want Extras?
That’s good, I prepared some for you.
You will also receive:
- Cheat sheets detailing each traffic type.
- Cheat sheets detailing each vertical.
- An editable copy of my Campaign Launch Checklist for you to use, improve and abuse as you so wish.
- A special 170-page ‘Best of Premium Posts‘ compilation, including previously unreleased material.
What’s in the Premium Post Compilation?
Here are the contents:
- Revealed: The Pay-Per-Call Gold Rush and How You Can Blow It Up
- My Tips For Cost Efficient Testing
- How to Win a Traffic Bidding War
- 1 PPV Dating Angle That Magnetizes Eyeballs
- CraigsList Marketing: A Shameful $XXX/Day on Autopilot
- Jesse Willms and the $467 Million Dollar Landing Page
- A Guide to Local Slang (and Super High CTRs)
- Rules Psychology: How to Make It Pay in Every Niche
- Agents of Persuasion: The Path to Skyrocketing Conversion Rates
- Profitable Angle Creation Made Easy with The 7 Deadly Sins
- How Laziness Destroys Campaigns And What You Can Do About It
- How to Build a Performance Marketing Agency