

1) People do not care about others they care about themselves:

1) 人们只关心自己,并不在乎他人的感受。

– Show them the benefits of using your product for them


2) There are 8 biological forces that create desire in us which in turn makes us take action:

2) 有八种生物力量在我们体内产生欲望,进而促使我们采取行动:

i) Survival, enjoyment of life, life extensioni)


ii) Enjoyment of food and beverages

ii) 美食与饮品的享用

iii) Freedom from fear, pain, and danger

iii) 自由*免于*恐惧,*痛苦,*和*危险

iv) Sexual*companionship 

iv) 性*陪伴

v) Comfortable*living*conditions

v) 舒适的生活条件

vi) To*be*superior,*winning,*keeping*up*with*the Joneses

vi) 要优越、成功、赶上“琼斯一家”(即社会上层人士)

vii) Care*and*protection*of*loved*ones

vii) 关心和保护爱的人

viii) Social*approval

viii)  社会认可

– Use them to create desire and show them how to relinquish it with your product/service.


3) Tap into existing fears of people

3) 利用人们现有的恐惧心理

– Scarcity is a form of fear use it: (Scarcity will grab attention of your prospect, however you still need to close the sale), It also implies exclusivity.

– 稀缺是一种恐惧心理,可以利用它:(稀缺会吸引潜在客户的注意力,但你仍然需要完成销售),它还暗示了独有性。

– 4 phase fear technique:


i) Instill Fear in them, but not so much that they feel helpless (Deer in the headlight)

i) 给他们灌输恐惧感,但不要让他们感到绝望(就像鹿在车灯前一样)

ii) Make a recommendation that can help overcome the fear (must be believable and specific)

ii) 提出一个建议,以帮助克服恐惧(必须真实可信且具体可行)

iii) How and why, what you recommend is a potent strategy against the perceived fear

iii) 你推荐的策略是如何以及为何能成为对抗这种感知到的恐惧的有力手段?

iv) The recipient must be able to believe he or she can pull off your strategy

iv) 接受者必须能够相信他或她能够执行您的策略。

4) Means-End: 


– Show how what they are buying from you today will benefit them tomorrow. Example: This car will make a great impression on your future boss thus getting you a pay upgrade.


5) Add Credibility:


– Make someone of high value in the eyes of the customer vouch for your product. Something like: As seen on cnn, cnbc, bbc, etc.


6) Bandwagon Effect: 

6) 羊群效应:

– Show them that a lot of people think that your product is good and like using it.


– Creating bandwagon effect:


i) Your product must show that it encompasses the values of a specific group. For instance, Gap (apparel store) clothes depict youthful trendiness with bold designs, something that resonates well with the values of the teenage market.

i) 你的产品必须能够体现出它符合某一特定群体的价值观。例如,盖璞(服装店)的衣服采用大胆的设计,展现出年轻时尚的风格,这与青少年市场的价值观相契合。

ii) It must disassociate for all other demographics. For instance, Gap saying something like, For trendy young folks only!

ii) 它必须对所有其他年龄段的人群进行区分。例如,盖璞可以说“仅限潮流时尚的年轻人!”

7) Ego Morphing:


– Showing in your advertisement the desirable (DESIREABLE: what your target market & world feel are desirable) qualities that people would like to have. For example, a perfume advertisement will show a good looking man in nice suit sitting in a Rolls Royce and women sensually staring at him as he goes buy. Thus the advert is depicting Social acceptance something we all crave at an intrinsic level.


– If you want to attract a male audience use a man as the object you put in your advertisement and vice versa for women. Because men look more closely to men and vice versa.


8) Trans theoretical Model:

8) 跨理论模型:

– Different Consumers may be in Different buying phase and, we need to address this. First let me tell you the 5 phases:

– 不同的消费者可能处于不同的购买阶段,我们需要对此加以考虑。首先让我来告诉大家这五个阶段:

i) Unaware: They are unaware of your existence or they are not needing your product

i) 不知情:他们不知道你的存在,或者他们不需要你的产品。

iii) They are contemplating using your product

iii) 他们正在考虑使用您的产品。

iv) Preparation: Thinking about buying

iv) 准备工作:考虑购买

v) Purchase Happens 


vi) Maintenance phase: they continue buying from you

VI) 维护阶段:他们会继续从你那里购买。

– We can use two strategies:


i) Make an ad that targets consumers of all 5 stages

i) 制作一份针对所有5个阶段消费者的广告。

ii) We can make an add for phase 1, then 2 and on an on periodically and systematically target each phase.

ii) 我们可以为第一阶段制作广告,然后为第二阶段制作广告,并定期、有系统地针对每个阶段进行广告投放。

9) Inculcation Theory:

9) 熏陶理论:

– Tell them something that is against their belief or that they do not want to believe and tell them that ‘some people’ say this. (Maybe they believe in magic weight loss pills and you can tell them that FDA says they don’t work)


– Proceed to tell them that they actually do not want you to know the truth (the truth is the customers preexisting belief) (shhhh…. The 1 big fat loss secret FDA does not want you to know)


– Proceed to reinforce their previous beliefs and offer your product (no, weight loss pills are the only way to lose weight!)


10) Changing their reality:

10) 改变他们的现实:

– Change their outlook on your product:


i) Reinforce some previously held beliefs and add some on top (If they believe weight loss pills really work say: Yes, weight loss pills are the way to go, but did you know that they are only 30% useful if they are not used synergistically with our product x)

i) 强化他们之前持有的一些信念,并添加一些新的内容(如果他们相信减肥药确实有效,可以说:“是的,减肥药确实是不错的选择,但你知道吗?如果不与我们的产品X协同使用,它们的有效性只有30%。”)

ii) Attack a preconceived notion that they may have by giving sheer statistics, facts and social proof (Bandwagon effect). (They do not believe in weight loss pills: Show them testimonials, show them studies of people losing weight, etc) -> This method is harder then the first, People hate to believe what they have being believing for a long time is wrong.

ii) 通过纯粹的数据、事实和社会证据(从众效应)攻击他们可能持有的先入为主的观念(他们不相信减肥药:向他们展示证言,展示人们减肥的研究等) -> 这种方法比第一种更难,人们不喜欢相信自己长期以来相信的东西是错误的。

11) Central VS Peripheral route:

11) 中央路径与外围路径:

– Central route Selling: Uses our conscious mind more, tries to give rational arguments for buying like facts, stats, testimonials. Example: Insurance policy. If you can logically convince someone that you are selling something valuable to them, they will be your customer for a long, long time.


– Peripheral route Selling: Uses subconscious mind more; uses images to stir up our core desires. Example: Designer Goods


12) C.L.A.A.R.C.S:

 12) c.l.a.a.r.c.s:

– Comparison: Create a product that signifies “club/group membership” (Refer to Bandwagon Effect above)


– Linking: People buy more from people/product/advertisements they like (Be Likeable!)

– 关联:人们更愿意从自己喜欢的人/产品/广告中购买商品(要让人喜欢你!)

– Reciprocation: Give out things of value to customers for free and they will come back and buy from you


– Authority: Have someone credible vouch for your product (Same as Point 3)

– 权威性:请有信誉的第三方为您的产品作证(与第三点相同)

– Consistency Bias/Foot in the door technique: Get the to say yes in multiple small things and they will inevitably say yes to a large favor, its like snow ball effect. (Example: Do you want to be fit? Yes, Do you want have rock hard ab’s? Yes, Do you want hot chicks to be drooling all over you? Yes, Well than try out this free pill. Ok! Cha ching $$$ )


– Scarcity 


13) K.I.S.S: keep it simple stupid:

13) K.I.S.S:保持简单愚蠢:

– The masses are not ultra smart and savvy. Your copy must have simple words, be easy to read (good font choices), and should be organized in a dummy friendly way

– 大众并不具备超高的智慧和洞察力。你的文案应该使用简单的词汇,易于阅读(选择合适的字体),并且应该以一种适合小白用户的方式进行组织。

14) Example Vs Statistics:

14) 实例与统计数据:

– Much Like peripheral vs central route:


– Examples: The example of benefits of using your product/service.

– 示例:使用贵公司产品/服务所带来的好处。

– Stats: you know what those are!


– We use both, more of one than the other, depending on the item being sold:


– Examples of each kind of product:

– 每种产品的示例:

i) Example Product: Beer: You will show young good looking people having a great time (The only stat you will show here is maybe % of alcohol). Other examples: tanning salon, lingerie shop, ETCi)


ii) Statistic Product: Laser Printer: Show them lots of stats on why they should buy.


15) Dual role persuasion:15) 双重角色说服法:

– Tell them about your competition: Don’t bad mouth them, just tell them about their products maybe even put in a complement somewhere and then calmly proceed to talk about your product and how it is better for the consumers (Do not hyper exaggerate just be like their product is not bad in fact it did great in the 90’s however in the 21st century we provide the most efficient solution, blah blah blah….)


– Don’t be afraid to call out the sort of person who you do not want your product to have (This Also creates some kind of scarcity: Face it we all want what we cannot have )


16) Repetition: 


– Repeat your message but phrase it differently to hammers the point home.


– Another way of looking at this can be Maybe have multiple ads with same core message but different creative/copy.


17) Evidence of Value:

17) 价值证明:

– Prove to them that what you are providing in value is much more than what they are paying, e.g. would you buy a $100 bill in a see through plastic bag for $10 if I were to sell it to you? Of course!


– Make the value of the benefits easy to understand and imagine

– 让福利的价值容易理解和想象

18) Rhetorical Questions: Use rhetorical question disguised as statements to re-establish/emphasize a point which makes them consider the advertisers message/ e.g. Aren’t you glad you used product x, who else will give you a better deal on financing.

18) 修辞性问题:使用以陈述形式伪装的修辞性问题来重新确立或强调一个观点,使他们考虑广告商的信息。例如:难道你不庆幸使用了产品X吗?还有谁会给你提供比融资更好的交易?

19) Psychology of simplicity:

19) 简约心理学:

– Make your message easy for the masses to understand:


– No fancy vocabulary 


– Refer to point 11 


– Reduce: 


Long sentences, long paragraphs, long words


– Ask questions to create loops and keep people interested. (loop: when you ask a question the other person unconsciously starts looking for answers to it)

– 提出问题以创造循环,保持人们的兴趣(循环:当你提出一个问题时,对方会不自觉地开始寻找答案)

Would you like to know how to become a copywriting genius? Read on


– Be Personal with them: 


Use first person pronouns; YOU & I


20) Use Feature Benefit Pairs:

20) 使用特征-益处对:

– Answers the WIIFM question (What’s in it for me) for the consumer


– Tell the feature of a product and what it means for them i.e. the benefit.


– Feature: 700 HP engine, Benefit: Feel the thrill each time you press the gas!


– Practice writing enticing benefits


21) Headlines: 


– Have your biggest benefit as your headline


– It should catch attention of target market: Use words, picture the target customers are familiar with and are looking for


– Write Shorter headlines. Rule -> 2 equally effective headline -> Shorter always converts better

撰写更简短的标题。规则:2个同样有效的标题 -> 越短的标题效果越好。

– You can give a news presenter styles headline:


E.g. Scientists find the cure for flabby man boobs


– The headline should: 


i) Hook them in (Get their attention)i)


ii) Want them to read/inquire moreii)


22) Stand out and capture their attention:

22) 突出自己,吸引他们的注意:

– By having an ad that is different from competition


23) Specificity:


– Keep the benefits section nice and specific


– Tell exactly why your product is good/better


24) Oglivy Principle: 


– Have a large picture and a headline under it as a caption

– 使用一张大图片,并在其下方添加一个标题作为说明文字。

25) Do not write inverted ever! -> Never Do this

25) 绝对不要写错别字! -> 绝对不要这样做!

26) Social Proof: 


– Use testimonials they’re powerful!!! (Bandwagon effect all the way baby!)

– 使用客户证言,它们非常有说服力!(让跟风效应一路伴随你吧,宝贝!)

27) Guillotine Method: 


– Give your message a face.


– Put a photo of someone as though that person is addressing prospects, this personalizes the message. Making it more human


28) Direct Mental Movies:

28) 直接心理电影:

– Get your prospect using all 5 senses: V-A-K-O-G


– Crete strong internal representations of the prospect using the product

– Example: Just one look at our lush green grass will make your body relax, walking on it will feel like you are walking on feathers. Etc (Note I am engaging 2 senses of prospect here, the more the merrier)

– Use powerful visual adjectives to achieve this

29) Make it easy for them to take action:

– Humans and sloths are more alike than different

– Make it so easy that they just do it there and then without hesitation

– E.g amazon one click purchasing

30) Survey Sale approach

– Send out a survey, and put an irresistible offer at the end


– E.g how do you like our product? Then follow this us with: Thanks for filling our survey we want to offer you a 50% discount.

– However, try to make them convert there and then with the special offer (Make it time bound or something (use scarcity my dear!))


31) Establish Yourself as an authority in your industry:

31) 在你的行业中树立自己的权威形象:

– Give free knowledge tidbits to people


– Makes people trust you and, reciprocity buying begins because you helped them first

– 让人们信任你,因为你先帮助了他们,于是他们开始回报性地购买你的产品。

32) Unique Selling Proposition:

32) 独特的销售主张:

– Teach the consumer about the industry in a creative and fun way (Note: We humans like fun) and show how your product is special amongst the competition.


33) Use Pictures but wisely:

33) 适当使用图片:

– Show the product in action


– Show the product in action giving benefits (a fan cooling a guy in the summer)


– They should be some connection between brand/message and picture


– Use picture in context. E.g. Don’t just put a picture of a fridge, put a picture of a fridge which is located in a beautiful kitchen (Use peripheral marketing you dummy)


34) Use attention grabbers:

34) 使用引人注目的内容:

– Put something in the beginning of the sales copy that reels a user in


– Dollar bill, sand bag.

– 美元纸币,沙袋。

– Use personal teasers, “Ibrahim is what they say true about you?”


– Give them a quick fix: “Learn how this pill can help you reduce 20% body fat”


– Start with a question: “Do you want to do x?” and proceed with writing down a killer benefit of doing x.


35) Offer testing: 


– The market is like a living beast:


i) It accepts what it likes and rewards it with conversions

i) 它接受自己喜欢的内容,并给予转化的奖励。

ii) It rejects what it does not like

ii) 它排斥它不喜欢的东西。

– If it does not like how you are pitching your offer change it


– E.g. 50% off vs buy one get one free




36) Marketing Research:


– Is paramount


– Get customer feedback via surveys


– Make it easy for the customers to fill out the surveys/ give customer feedback


37) Long copy performs better than short copy:


– When it is interesting

– 当它很有趣的时候

38) Using editorial voice:


– Use the tone of a news reporter talking about a discovery

– 使用新闻记者报道发现时的语气。

– Be objective though don’t go all out butt kissing your product


39) Guarantees are powerful:


– Increase the desire to believe your pitch


– Decrease skepticism of your product


– Give long and strong guarantees: Makes you more trustable and you have less product returns


40) More ads are better:


– Have more than one ad so that you may be noticed more

– 发布多条广告,这样才能让更多人注意到你。

41) Humans Like coupons:


– Coupons create sales

– 优惠券能促进销售。

– Give a coupon to them and see the magic happen


– We think that we are making a good choice when we are buying something using a coupon


42) Formula for size:

42) 尺寸计算公式:

– The bigger the ad the more interest in generates but how big? See below:

– 广告越大,产生的兴趣就越多,但多大才合适呢?请看下面的内容:

– Size increase % = 100 * Factor you want your ads to increase interest by)^2

广告点击率提升百分比 = 100 * 你希望广告点击率提升的百分比的平方

– E.g. if I want my ads to have thrice as much interest, I will Use 3 as my factor and the formula for size increase will be as follows:


Size increase % = 100* (3)^2

尺寸增加百分比 = 100 \* 3^2

Size increase % = 100*9

尺寸增加百分比 = 100 \* 9

Size Increase %= 900%

尺寸增加百分比 = 900%

– Thus to generate 3 times as much buzz for my add I will have to increase its size to 900% of current size or in other words the ad need to be 9 times bigger.


43) Use colors to your advantage:

43) 善用色彩:

– Use good color combinations, use colors that complement each other


– Use red, green, yellow and blue

– 使用红色、绿色、黄色和蓝色。

– Black and white pictures are good to demonstrate dramatic situations and intellectual stuff黑白照片适合用来表现戏剧性的场景和富有哲理的内容。


– Use colors that are associated with brands like Red and white writing for Coca Cola, this triggers a subconscious response in the user.


44) Email Response Boosters:

44) 电子邮件回复提升:

– Send no more than 1 email a week


– They are more likely to open if:


i) They are familiar to the sender

i) 他们对发件人来说是熟悉的。

ii) There is a personalized subject message (has name or something)

ii) 有一个个性化的主题消息(包含姓名或其他信息)

iii) The email has an offer that will interest them (Your email list needs to have your target market)

iii) 邮件中有一项对他们有吸引力的优惠(您的电子邮件列表需要包含您的目标市场)

45) Even Odd Pricing: 


– Even Pricing depicts quality


– Odd pricing:


i) Our brains like rounding up but to the lower digit. For example, our brain will read $9.99 as $9 not $10 thus justifying the offer as a lower price.

i) 我们的大脑倾向于对小数点后的低位数字进行四舍五入。例如,我们的大脑会将$9.99读作$9,而不是$10,因此可以将报价解释为更低的价格。

ii) Suggests that we are getting a good deal

ii) 表示我们得到了一个不错的交易。

46) Leave some white space around your ads


47) Give yourself a cleveroctomy:


– Your ads need not be clever or witty they need to sell and the Testing DATA will choose which ad is the best


– In advertising it is not clever being clever


48) Speak the language of the prospect:

48) 使用目标客户的语言:

– Like what they like, hate what they hate, this way they will start liking you (hint: people buy from people they like)


– Order the benefits of your product in descending order to how your prospects perceive them. So the biggest benefit that the prospect believes should be #1 on the list.


– Order them in the benefits section and throughout your copy the same way.


49) 12 step copy lure method:


– Follow these 12 steps to write copy


i) Continue you’re the thought you propagated in headline in the Sub headline

i) 继续在副标题中阐述你在标题中提出的观点。

ii) Ask a question to the consumer (Maybe calling out doubt that might have entered the consumers mind)

ii) 向消费者提问(或许可以提出一些可能已经进入消费者脑海中的疑问)

iii) Then give a quote from a respected authority the the consumer trusts to answer that question

iii) 然后引用消费者信任的权威人士的一句话来回答这个问题。

iv) Give them a free tip (A teaser from inside the course you are selling)

iv) 给他们提供一个免费的建议(来自你正在销售课程的内部信息)

v) Challenge them to put it to action and see the resultsv)

v) 鼓励他们将这些想法付诸实践,看看结果如何。

vi) Tell them the story of a skeptical customer who became a true believer in the product once he tried it out


vii) Add social proof: Testimonials

vii) 添加社会证明:客户评价

viii) Play reporter: Use an objective tone of voice and talk about the products as a reporter would of a great discovery

viii) 扮演记者:用一种客观的语气谈论产品,就像一位记者在报道一项伟大的发现一样。

ix) Get personal (Use You, you and you a lot) E.G. Would you like to use x, would you like to go to x, would you like to get x amount of money in 10 days

ix) 使用个人化语言(频繁使用“你”、“你”和“你”)。例如:“你想要使用X吗?”“你想要去X吗?”“你想要在10天内获得X金额的资金吗?”

x) Tell a dramatic success story about the product

x) 请讲述一个关于该产品的引人入胜的成功故事。

xi) Give Detailed Specifications and feature

xi) 请详细说明规格和功能。

xii) Give the Call to Action

xii) 给出行动号召


Phew……. That was a lot of reading, note taking and typing!


Make good use of this information!
