


http://www.istockphoto.com/ by http://www.gettyimages.com/
https://www.shutterstock.com/ or their limited version https://www.bigstockphoto.com/
https://stock.adobe.com or their other one at https://www.fotolia.com
https://photodune.net/ that is part of the Envato Market : https://market.envato.com/


https://www.pexels.com/ – All images are distributed under the Creative Commons Zero CC0 License, which means that you can do whatever you want with them, including commercial use – resizing, cropping .. whatever.

https://www.pixabay.com/ – Another good one, using the same CC0 license. They claim to contain about 850.000 images already, which makes them a bigger source than pexels.com.

https://www.unsplash.com – Community of photographers who share their work under CC0 license too, this one is good for more artistic work. You can also browse by author, check how many downloads a photo has etc …

http://www.gratisography.com/ – This one features content from just one photographer, so the collection is limited … but the quality is awesome. Great for content with a bit of personality.

https:/www.picjumbo.com/ – This is a one man show too, the images are shared for free with only one limit – redistribution.

http://freestocks.org/ – This one utilizes full CC0 license again, there are some great photos from several authors to download.

http://www.lifeofpix.com/ – Not the biggest one, but using CC0 again and offering solid selection of HQ images. I can see these working well on blogs, sites …

http://www.freeimages.com/ – Another big one, but they don’t have such a vague license, there are some limitations that you can check here : http://www.freeimages.com/license

https://stocksnap.io/ – Another license free – they will even send you the most popular images to your email.

http://deathtothestockphoto.com/ – And one more, again with almost no limitations other than non-pornographic or defamatory use … many of these sites require this actually.

http://openphoto.net/– On this one, the license can vary from one image to the next, it’s always written under the image thou, so easy to find.

http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/ – Quite a big one here again, almost 200.000 pics, some with additional licensing, but many are distributed as public domain.

https://www.splitshire.com/ – Free to use with some content limitations.

http://www.1millionfreepictures.com/ – The author doesn’t really offer a million of photos, but there are many to choose from. Mass download available at an extra price.

http://viintage.com/ – This is a special one, offering vintage style graphics and 1000s of them with any limitations. Premium stuff available too.

http://nos.twnsnd.co/ – This one also offers old photos, free of copyrights.

http://publicdomainarchive.com/ – Not sure how big this one is, but it’s free of copyrights too

http://skitterphoto.com/ – Another one built on user submitted content under the CC0 license.

https://morguefile.com/ – Close to 400.000 images on this one again. Quality varies based on the author. Free to use for commercial projects too.

https://freeimages.red/ – Quite a small one again, but with CC0 license, so worth a look.

https://www.goodfreephotos.com/ – And yet another one with public domain photos, 16.000 to choose from.

http://realisticshots.com/ – Great one for social media posts or blogs, limited amount of pics but very good quality.

http://freenaturestock.com/ – Need some nature shots? Smaller collection from one author, but with a free license

http://magdeleine.co/license/cc0/ – This site has photos with several licenses, I linked directly to the CC0 section.

http://isorepublic.com/ – This will be the last one for today. Very open license again, no attribution needed, thou they have some limitations as per their terms.

如果你对 Creative Commons licensing还不太了解,可以看这里: Creative Commons licensing


PS: 分享一个相对“省事和安全”的方法
