Affiliate marketer 真正的未来在Media buy!



Media buy则是一份真正的“金种子”!它可以让你快速获得 Buyer Traffic,迅速扩大,实现真正的逆袭!

Media buy 是广告投放的艺术,即使以个人的身份,你仍然可以在诸如 Google, Facebook,Tiktok 这样的全球性广告平台毫无障碍的投放广告,每天从 20美金到 20000美金,丰俭由人,平台一视同仁,因为你面对的是基本是 AI和算法,它不会歧视你,它只追求最佳广告效果。你真的可以凭借“才华”赚钱 ,你的洞察力,你的创意是获得利润的根本保证。即使你只有500美元起步,也有机会获得十倍百倍的收入增长。

以上是Media buy的蓝图,我从没说过这条路很容易,如果有人告诉你通过Media buy 可以一夜暴富,那他肯定是骗子!掌握 Media buy 从来不是纸上谈兵,只能是学习 - 测试 - 优化,不断的循环向上,直到你找到感觉和自信。

Media buy 不是赌柏,不需要你耗尽积蓄或家产,大有大的玩法,小有小的玩法,实在玩不动,那就给自己设一个Deadline,比如如果消耗了1000美金或者5000美金,还没有盈利的项目和找到感觉,那就暂时或者永久的放弃也是一个选择。至少你尝试过这条可能的路径,如果走不通,那就继续尝试其他的,也没有什么好失去的。

当如今的形势下,我觉得这是对普通人来说,难得的一条公平的赛道。能来到我这个博客的人,我相信普遍都是接受过高等教育的了,甚至很多人有更高的学历。因此学习能力肯定不是问题,Media buy 并不是什么高科技,也不像以前,学习各种程序和代码,现在各种工具都有现成的,只需要学习如何使用就可以了。

好了,最后分享一个新获得的教程 Media Buyer Blueprint,如果你有兴趣尝试这条路径,这是一个很好的入门课。课程分为四个模块,涵盖了成为一个成功的媒体买家所需要知道的一切。

Module 1:

Get Paid to Run Ads For
Ad Agencies and Clients

(6 lessons)

Module 1 will teach you how to get paid to run ads. You’ll learn secret strategies for landing your first clients, as well as how to create a portfolio with case studies.

 Lesson 1: How to land your first client or ad agency (secret strategy)
 Lesson 2: How to land your first client or ad agency using Upwork
 Lesson 3: Private message strategy
 Lesson 4: Increasing your odds of success
 Lesson 5: Creating and utilizing an e-portfolio with case studies
 Lesson 6: How much should I charge?

Module 2:

Secret Blueprint for Running
Facebook Ads

(12 lessons)

In module 2, the more technical module, you’ll get lessons on topics such as campaign structure, ad targeting, how to use the Ad Manager, writing copy that converts, and more!

 Lesson 1: Intro to campaign structure (the funnel)
 Lesson 2: How to set up ad sets (targeting)
 Lesson 3: How to set up ads
 Lesson 4: All the buttons you should know (Ads Manager overview)
 Lesson 5: Which objective should I use?
 Lesson 6: Setting up your custom columns (MUST SEE)
 Lesson 7: $1000+ a day spend ad account breakdown
 Lesson 8: Custom vs. Lookalike audiences
 Lesson 9: $1000+ a day spend ad account optimization
 Lesson 10: Writing copy that converts
 Lesson 11: Eye-catching creatives (stop users from scrolling)
 Lesson 12: The Secret

Module 3:

Mastering the Business

(8 lessons)

Module 3 answers frequently asked questions from our students, including what a media buyer is, how to get started without any experience, how to deal with client objections, and more.

 Lesson 1: What even is a media buyer?
 Lesson 2: Can I get started without any experience or prior knowledge?
 Lesson 3: Who pays for the ads?
 Lesson 4: How do I create or request an ad account for my clients?
 Lesson 5: Dealing with client objections and questions.
 Lesson 6: Is there any other way to get clients?
 Lesson 7: How do I get paid?
 Lesson 8: What now? How do I get started?

Module 4:

Exclusive Resources

(8 lessons)

Copy and paste my proven scripts and templates, access step-by-step guys, and more, to save years of hard work and trial and error.

 Lesson 1: Facebook Media Buyer Blueprint PDF (Module 1)
 Lesson 2: Facebook Media Buyer Blueprint PDF (Module 2)
 Lesson 4: Official certification of Media Buyer Blueprint
 Lesson 5: Access to the exclusive Facebook Group (Media Buyer Academy)
 Lesson 6: Access to the free Facebook Group (The Online Entrepreneur)





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