
How to test Ads & turn them into PROFITABLE campaigns in 4 simple steps.
Test & validate everything with just $100
To begin with, we use Facebook to test and validate our offer & messaging. Later we move our champion Ads to YouTube Ads & other traffic sources. (More on this on another post)
We test & validate 5 variables in the following sequence.
Audience (interests)
Ad copy opener/Lead.
Landing page.
STEP 1: ($25)
Step 1 is to test the Audience & the Creative with a budget of $25.
Reason being, the Audience sits at the Apex as we serve our Ads towards them & the Creative covers the maximum space of the Ad (That’s where the eyeballs are in the beginning).
Hence, we start there.
Make a list of 10 widely different interest in your niche (Use Audience insights, google trends etc).
Create 5-7 completely different creative. You can use Adobe Express or Canva (Super easy)
The goal is to test various angle as well as the creative.
Keep in mind: The creatives SHOULD be a Pattern interrupt.
Your Ad is just a scroll away & it will disappear from the users feed!
Creative ideas:
1. Question. (Open loop).
2. Rating/review. (Trust/Authority).
3. Did you know/Statement. (Curiosity).
You can get creative here and test different angles.
Now inside Ads manager, create a campaign with 10 Ad set, each Ad set will have 1 single interest.
Each Ad set will have all the 5-7 Ads that we just created. All the Ads will be identical other than the creative.
Don’t bother with the Ad copy, headline or CTA as of now, we are just testing the creatives.
To sum it up: 1 campaign. 10 Ad set (1 interest each Ad set). 5-7 Ad inside each Ad set, identical Ads with different creative.
Now we set-up 3 “Automated Rules”.
Rule 1 is to “Kill the Campaign” once the amount spent is $25. (Campaign level)
Rule 2 is to “Reduce Auction Overlap” so that your Ad sets DO NOT compete with each other. (Campaign level)
Rule 3 is to “Kill the Ad” if it receives 0 click after 100 impressions. (Ad level)
Reason being, (Rule 3) we don’t wanna push the budget into non-performing Ads and rather spend on testing the ones that are working!
Once the campaign spends $25, we will have 4-5 champion interest (Ad sets) and 2-3 champion creative.
We ,move on to the next step.
Step 2: ($25):
Now we test the headline as it is the next element (after the creative) which is highlighted in bold font. (It’s natural for the eyeballs to move on to the headline right after the creative).
Now we write 5-7 headline within 4-5 words.
Reason being, while viewing the Ad on a mobile device, we want the entire headline to be readable.
Let’s say we have 5 headline & 2 creative champion, we have 10 Ads.
5 headline x 1st creative champion.
5 headline x 2nd creative champion.
We club our 5 champion interests into one single Ad set.
1 campaign: 1 Ad set: 10 Ads.
We set the same “automated rules” like we did in step 1.
Once the campaign spends $25, we will have 2 new creative headline champion.
Now we move on to the next test.
Step 3: ($25)
Step 3 is to test the Ad copy opener often called as the Lead.
From the creative & headline test, we have a fair idea about the angle our audience is responding to.
We leverage that and write 5-7 opener/lead, everything else in the Ad copy remains the same.
Now, let’s say we have 2 creative headline champion & we write 5 opener/lead.
So, we create 10 Ads.
5 opener x 1st creative headline champion.
5 opener x 2nd creative headline champion.
We create the Ad set like we did in step 2.
1 campaign: 1 Ad set: 10 Ads.
Same “automated rules” like step 2.
Once the campaign spends $25, we will have 2 opener/lead champion.
We’ve tested & validated the creatives, headlines & the opener/lead and figured out our champion Ads.
It’s time to test the landing page.
Step 4: ($25)
Now that we know the copy angle from our “Ad validation test”, it will help us craft our landing page copy.
We split test 2 different lander.
One, the Classic Amazon style.
You like a product > You BUY it.
One 2 min video, few bullet points, CTA.
Short, to the point & simple.
The second one will be a super long form copy.
**We install Microsoft Clarity on our lander**
Clarity is a free, easy to use tool that captures how real people actually uses our landing page.
It helps us see where people click, what they ignore & how far they scroll.
This user behaviour pattern on our landing page helps us optimise our lander.
Eliminate or modify text blocks, CTA’s based on user behaviour.
Bring focus to the areas users are MOST interacting with.
We put $25 to test our landers with our champion Ads and we improve our lander based on Microsoft Clarity insights.
So by now we have a working Ad, validated landing page & we are ready to scale.
Feel free to ask me any question in the comment section down below ..
Happy Scaling