这是一个快速制作YouTube Shorts 短视频的方法,已经把它翻译成了中文字幕(AI翻译的,大概意思能看懂),希望对你有帮助:

AI 制作youtube 短视频


YouTube 频道通过创建和上传 YouTube 短视频,在不出镜的情况下每月收入高达 41,000 美元。
使用 Chat GPT 以固定格式自动生成 50 组Facts 事实,并要求不同类型,如心理学、人际关系、男孩, 女孩等。
这些事实被复制并粘贴到 Canva 中,添加背景、文本并应用数据。
背景使用了一段 6 秒钟的海滩日落视频。
添加了 "主题 "和 "第 1 部分 "文字,并进行了样式设计。第 2 部分从第 1 部分复制而来,但只显示 2.5 秒。
Chat GPT 中的数据使用 Canva 的 "批量创建 "工具进行连接,该工具将信息格式化为主题、第 1 部分和第 2 部分。
一次生成了 49 个视频。播放时,第一部分显示 3.5 秒,然后切换到第二部分 2.5 秒。
视频以单独文件的形式下载,可随时上传到 YouTube。
这种人工智能自动流程可用于制作 TikTok、Instagram 和 Facebook 短视频,无需专业编辑技能。

ChatGPT Prompt #1:

Create me 50 sets of facts in the same style as the below examples, and format them in a table where one column is the topic, one column is the part 1 and one column is the part 2. Do not repeat any facts. These should be psychology facts, crush facts, male facts, girls facts, relationship facts and more. They'll be formatted as a topic or type of fact, part 1 and then part 2. Keep the facts engaging, polarizing, over the top and relatable to everyone or people in particular situations. The reading grade should be under grade 7 ideally. Here's a few examples:

Topic: Deep Fact

Part 1: Nobody apologizes for how they treated me...

Part 2: They just blamed me for how I reacted

Topic: Sad Fact

Part 1: Sometimes the person you want the most...

Part 2: Is the person you are best without.

Topic: Male Fact

Part 1: If a man who truly loves you takes your virginity, he is...

Part 2: never leaving, like why will he ever leave

Topic: Girl Fact

Part 1: 5 lies that every girl tells...

Part 2: I'm fine. I'm not jealous. I'm over him. I'm not angry. We can be friends.

Topic: Girls Fact

Part 1: If a girl says "WOW" or "OH" during an argument...

Part 2: don't continue, she's deeply hurt.

Topic: Girls Fact

Part 1: The best girls are always...

Part 2: going to be the most difficult.

Topic: Male Fact

Part 1: Things boys do when they like you...

Part 2: text you back.

Topic: Male Fact

Part 1: Things boys do when they like you...

Part 2: make fun of you.

Topic: Male Fact

Part 1: Things boys secretly want, but won't ask for...

Part 2: a hug.


ChatGPT Prompt #2:

Come up with 50 more using the same specifications, don't repeat previous ones.


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